The most pure Virgin, dressed in white with a BLUE SASH, deigned to appear eighteen times resplendent with LIGHT, sweetness and beauty in the Grotto of Lourdes and to
say to the humble child who contemplated you in her ecstasy: “I am the Immaculate Conception.”
"O how hast Thou multiplied Thy mercy, O God! But the children of men shall put their trust under the covert of Thy wings. They shall be inebriated with the
plenty of Thy house; and Thou shalt make them drink of the torrent of Thy pleasure. For with Thee is the fountain of life; and in Thy light we shall see light" -- Psalm 35:8-10.
"the water that I will give him, shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting" -- John 4:14.
"He that believeth in Me, as the Scripture saith, Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" -- John 7:38.
In looking at the Lady in the Niche, we see the living water flowing from her virginal womb symbolized by the blue sash and the water that now flows abundantly from
the Grotto. In consecrating ourselves to this Living Ark of the New Covenant, we come under the cover of His Wings and see His Light, the Light of light, the very source of light, in her
“Like our Predecessor, we ardently desire that Christendom be renewed in a unanimous élan of Marian piety,
for, when it is understood according to the Church’s doctrine, it cannot but lead souls more surely and more quickly to Jesus Christ, our one and divine Savior. Following those Pontiffs who for a
century recommended that Catholics pay attention to the message of Lourdes, we urge you to listen, with simplicity of heart and an upright mind, to hear the salutary warnings of the Mother of God
– warnings still relevant today. […] Moreover, let nobody be surprised to hear the Roman Pontiffs insist on this great spiritual lesson passed on by the child of Massabielle. If they have
been constituted guardians and interpreters of Divine Revelation, contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition, they also have a duty to recommend to the attention of the faithful – when after
mature examination they judge it opportune for the general good – the supernatural lights which it pleases God to freely dispense to certain privileged souls, not to propose new doctrines but to
guide our conduct (cf. Saint Thomas, IIa-IIae, q. CLXXIV, a. 6, ad tertium.) Such is indeed the case with the apparitions of Lourdes…” (Pope John XXIII
radio address, Feb 18, 1959, at the closing of the Centennial of Lourdes).
“Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners! Kiss the ground as an act of penance for
sinners”—Our Lady of Lourdes.
“In our time,—as Christians have often had, and still have the opportunity to experience,—the august Mother of God makes Her presence
felt in human events in a special way [e.g., apparitions like Our Lady of the Snows, Lourdes and Fatima]. The more charity grows colder, the more urgently this Mother exhorts Her children to piety,
to virtue, to penance for sin; and when from every side the menace of fearsome scourges increases, we feel that in Her clemency She intercedes for us, that She implores for us mercy, warding off the
chastisements merited by our faults. Thus we have a powerful patroness with the Divine Majesty, we have a Mother who with a heart full of pity has compassion on Her children’s sufferings. Hence, one
would be placing his own salvation in jeopardy if, when he is assailed by the tempests of our world, he refused to accept Her helping hand.” (Pope John XXIII radio address, April 1959, a few months
prior to his opening the 3rd Secret of Fatima).
Our Lady of LourdesLearn about the beautiful harmony of the 18 apparitions at Lourdes, most notably how they coincide very well with the 15 decades of the Most Holy Rosary.
Our Lady of Lourdes.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Encyclical Letter of Pope Pius XII on the Apparitions at LourdesThis very readable document helps us understand some of the wider reasons for Our Lady's wonderful appearance at the Grotto in Lourdes.
Le Pelerinage De Lourdes.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [91.1 KB]
Our Lady
of Lourdes needs a Niche in the Wall
Thanks to your continued support, we are planning to
build a beautiful Grotto to compliment our chapel and provide a place for the faithful to pray and light candles... but most especially to give honor to the
highest honor of our race. For how can one have a church dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes without a Grotto? We now have the plans according to which we hope to hollow out a place in the
rock worthy of Our Lady of Lourdes. Yet, the planned Grotto is modest, with
modest statuary to match our modest church. It will be a place of repose and meditation with a water feature set in beautifully landscaped hillside. Help Us Give Honor to the Highest Honor of Our
Although it is best to use a check,
we do accept donations through paypal...