“The sins that we hide always reappear.

To hide one’s sins well, one must confess them well.”

—St. Jean Marie Vianney.

Prayer to St. Gerard for a Good Confession

O Great Patron of a Good Confession, St. Gerard! O thou who didst give courage to souls whom fear and shame had overcome! O thou who didst make known to poor sinners the sins willfully concealed from the minister of God! O thou who didst give sorrow to their heart, resolution to their wills, truth to their lips, help me! I wish to make a good confession. If there be any mortal sin which, through my own fault, I have not confessed, bring it clearly before my mind. Help me to know my sins. Obtain for me true sorrow for them, and a firm purpose never to offend God again by mortal sin. And when I am kneeling in the confessional, be with me, and help me to tell my sins in spite of fear or shame. St. Gerard, in thy hands I place this confession. Be thou to me what thou wast to many another soul, “an angel of God sent to deliver me from hell. Amen

Aids for Making a Good and Holy Confession...

Examination of Conscience for Adults
Examination of Conscience.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [122.8 KB]
The Room
The Room.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [744.7 KB]
An Inventory of Emotional Maturity
A great aid to growing in self-knowledge and humility
An Inventory of Emotional Maturity.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [66.8 KB]
Examination of Conscience for Parents Headed for Trouble
Examination for Parents Headed for Troub[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [307.2 KB]
Examination of Conscience for Children Headed for Trouble
Examination of Conscience for Children H[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [82.7 KB]
Examination of Conscience for Priests
Examination of Conscience for Priests.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [511.6 KB]
How Making a Difficult Confession has Helped Others
Confession Story.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

Aids for Overcoming Sin & Growing in Virtue...

Comprehensive Battle Plan to Conquer Any Vice
My Battle Plan against Sin.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [144.7 KB]
St. Philip's Counsels on Remaining Pure
Maxims of St Philip against LUST.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [56.1 KB]
St. Thomas Aquinas on Overcoming Temptations of the Flesh
Five Aids to Chastity by St Thomas Aquin[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [780.1 KB]
The 15th Step in the Ladder of Divine Ascent—Overcoming Lust
Step 15 of the Ladder of Divine Ascent.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [580.4 KB]
An Aid for Averting Avarice
Here are nine simple norms that help us determine if we are under the sway of the vice of avarice or not.
Averting Avarice.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [733.1 KB]
Constructing a Mirror into your Soul
Here is a way to learn your major faults and failings better... a safe pathway to deeper self-knowledge.
Mirror of the Soul.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [720.8 KB]

Overcoming Scruples with Fr. William Doyle, SJ

Scruples and their Treatment by Fr. William Doyle, SJ
Adobe Acrobat document [473.3 KB]

Discerning Whether or Not to Attend a Marriage

Morality of Participating in Invalid Weddings
Participating Invalid Marriages.PDF
PDF File [549.2 KB]

Sins Against the Faith

Explanation of the Sins Against the Faith
Sins against Faith.PDF
PDF File [1.6 MB]

Rules for Fasting and Abstinence

Rules for Fasting and Abstinence
Rules for Fasting.PDF
PDF File [2.0 MB]

On the Morality of Voting

Variuos Moral Theologians on Voting.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [91.6 KB]
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